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As a Christian community, Audlem Methodist Church believes in pursuing the things of God in the name and spirit of Jesus. It tries to follow Jesus – however inadequately. It believes in facing the challenge of loving God and neighbour. (Mark 12.29-31).

Though theologically a fairly broad church, Audlem probably tends more towards a liberal than an evangelical perspective. The worship style – including the music – would be considered traditional. The Church strives to do things properly, yet in a relaxed and informal manner. It hopes it is a welcoming and accepting community.

The Methodist Church in Great Britain understands its calling to be:

  • increasing awareness of God's presence and celebrating God's love,
  • helping people to grow and learn as Christians,
  • being a good neighbour to people in need and challenging injustice,
  • making more followers of Jesus.

The Methodist Church in Audlem tries to pursue this calling.

Study courses

Study courses offer the opportunity to examine and share faith. For some years Lenten study courses have been held in Audlem each Spring. These have been ecumenical and organised with friends from Audlem Baptist Church and St James. The Lent course has occasionally been supplemented by an Autumn study course, which has also attracted participants from different churches.

In the autumn of 2012, a three-session ecumenical course was held. Entitled 'Something beautiful for God', it combined history, art, faith and the present, under the subtitle 'Early Christianity and Today's Society'. In March 2013, the Rev'd Adrian Leighton led a three-session Lent Course entitled 'The Hitch-Hikers' Guide to Faith – a journey from past to present'.

  • 2012 Lent Course: 'We've given up discussion for Lent'.
  • 2011 Lent Course: 'Worship in Style'.
  • 2010 Autumn Course: 'At home with Mark'.
  • 2010 Lent Course: 'Finding God in the Ordinary'.
  • 2009 Lent Course: 'These three ... Faith, Hope and Love'.
  • 2008 Autumn Course: 'Living the Questions 2'.
  • 2007 Autumn Course: 'Living the Questions 1'.
  • 2007 Lent Course: 'People of the Passion'.
  • 2006 Lent Course: 'The Word became flesh'.
  • 2005 Autumn Course: 'Choosing the faith'.
  • 2005 Lent Course: 'Icons' Missionary Message'.
  • 2004 Autumn Course: 'Jesus: who is he?'.
  • 2004 Lent Course: 'Tough Talk: hard sayings of Jesus'.
  • 2003 Autumn Course: 'Thinking again ...'.

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01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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