Audlem Methodist Church is an all-age Christian community of about a hundred and fifty people. Most live in Audlem, although others travel from nearby towns and villages.
According to one of Methodism's foundation documents, 'all those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and accept the obligation to serve him in the life of the Church and the world are welcome as members of the Methodist Church'.
At present we have just over 100 members at Audlem. A confirmation course is offered regularly for those considering church membership. Recent courses have run in 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2011, with a number of young people deciding to be confirmed. Speak with the minister if you would like to know more about becoming a church member at Audlem.
The Church is an all-age community with a significant proportion of the congregation aged under twenty-five. Activities for children and young people are organised under the YCMC umbrella, including Sunday morning activities and holiday clubs. JAM (Jesus And Me) meet on a Sunday morning at 10.30 and take part in a wide variety of different activities.
The Minister is the Rev'd Robin Fox in Audlem and Nantwich, and both the Audlem Mission Area (which includes Hankelow and Hatherton) and the Nantwich Mission Area (Broad Lane, Nantwich and Poole). Robin joined us in September 2020.
The 'Audlem Mission Area' is part of the Cheshire South Circuit.
Church Stewards
Fiona Crompton
Fran Hughes
Gill Massey
Julia Parton
Suzie Poole
Church Treasurer
Jane Eardley
Council Secretary
Christina Lawson
Nancy-May Goodwin
Musical Producer
Nancy-May Goodwin
Catering Coordinators
Fran Hughes & Julia Parton
Room Bookings
Christina Lawson
Nancy-May Goodwin
Digital Services
Naomi Newman
Seventeen church members currently serve on the Church Council. They are the managing trustees and are responsible for all aspects of Church life. The Church Council meets three or four times a year. If anyone is interested in joining the Church Council please speak to Christina Lawson.
The Property Committee advises the Church Council on property matters. It deals with all routine maintenance and repairs, and oversees major property projects.
01270 812820
Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street