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Green Sheet – 4th July 2021

Cheshire South Circuit – Audlem Mission Area

(Minister: Rev Robin Fox. Tel: 01270 812820 email:
Newsletter for Audlem, Hankelow & Hatherton Methodist Churches
For the week commencing 4th July 2021

At Audlem Methodist Church – Sunday service at 11.30am. Chris Denney leads this week's service

  • Next Sunday 10th July the service will be led by Yvonne Alcock
  • It has been decided that there will be some closures whilst the refurbishment is ongoing and the service next Sunday will be the last for a few weeks.
  • Numbers are limited to accommodate social distancing so booking a place is essential.
  • Please book your place by midday on Fridays
  • To book please contact Fran Hughes either by email to or phone 01270 812038.

Please note:
Masks are to be worn in the church at all times. Sanitisers will be used.
There will be no hymn singing.
After the service (duration approx 40mins) people must leave – no coffee/chat.
Social distancing maintained throughout.

At Hankelow – there will be a service each Sunday at 10.30am

- Numbers are limited to 20 so booking a place is essential
- To book, contact either Val Morrey on 01270 811930 or Roger Millns on 07807 402348
- Covid restrictions will apply

The zoom service continues today at 10.30 am. The next zoom service will be Sunday 18th July at 10.30am August zoom services will take place on 1st, 15th and 29th August.

Dear friends

This past week, the Methodist Conference has been meeting in Birmingham. There were a great many items under discussion, but the one which has made it into the papers and other news sources is that the Conference agreed to allow same-sex marriages in the churches.

For me, it was a bittersweet day – on the one hand, I wept with relief and joy that the day had finally come, and that the measure was passed by a very large majority (254-46), but then I also found myself weeping that Steve hadn't lived to see the day.

I recognise that not everyone will share my joy, and that's ok. What the Conference did in passing these measures was confer well, and although there were people on both sides who were determined to get their point across no matter what, for the most part, there was a lot of listening with love and a determination that whatever happens, we will stay together as the Methodist church, as the Methodist family.

For day to day life in the churches, there will be no immediate change. There are several legal steps which the Conference officers will have to take in order for us to "opt-in" as a denomination. It will certainly have to go to the Registrar General and possibly to Parliament, but it could be that the first Methodist same-sex weddings will take place in the autumn. It is certainly a question which I will be obliged to bring to all my church councils when all the legal measures have been passed, though it has to be said that no minister will be required to take such a wedding should it be contrary to their conscience (as has been the case for many years with the remarriage of divorcees), neither will church councils be forced to accept it.

It is my prayer that as we come to have these discussions more locally in a few months time, that we may confer with the same love and grace that has been shown at Conference this week and that whatever happens, we will stay together as the Methodist family, but more importantly, as God's church.

With love in Jesus

Great news from Junior Church at Audlem.
Thanks to the generosity of Fiona, who is welcoming us into her garden for Covid safe Sunday School we are now meeting on Sunday mornings from 11.30 till 12.30.

We have started with a series of activities discussing how God provides for us and how we can look after the world and each other. Lots of fun has been had in the open air, looking at artwork, planting, making food and using actions in our prayers. So far it hasn't rained! It's been great to welcome Mums and Dads too and enjoy home baking from our host and mums.

Wonderful to be back enjoying the friendship of these lovely children! Ruth Denney

This had been planned provisionally for Sunday 18th July, as part of morning worship, hoping that Covid restrictions would be over. However the church building itself is now to be out of use at this time, so Fran and Chris Hughes have kindly offered the use of their lovely garden in Daisy Bank Crescent for an outdoor ACM, weather permitting, and members are invited to bring their own picnic and drink to follow (as on several previous years).

Extra chairs would be appreciated, so bring your own if you can. This is a chance for all to hear about what is happening with our church and if you hope to come please contact Fran Hughes using the details on the front of this sheet. If the weather looks to be unsuitable by the Friday before, we shall have to postpone.

Happy Birthday wishes to Marjorie Price for today (Saturday 3 July)

Congratulations and best wishes to Deacon Jill Taylor who was married last weekend. (Her new name is Jill Henderson although her contact details remain the same as before.)

Geoff Dickinson is undertaking a sponsored bike ride, 11-18 July, around the North of Scotland doing about 460 miles in 7days. He is raising money for Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum. The link to the Justgiving page is: for anyone wanting to contribute.

The next newsletter will be Sunday 18 July. Please send any items for the newsletter to Janet Furber email: or telephone 01270 811598 by 5pm on Fridays.

Get In Touch
01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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