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Green Sheet – 10th October 2021

Cheshire South Circuit – Audlem Mission Area

(Minister: Rev Robin Fox. Tel: 01270 812820 email:
Newsletter for Audlem, Hankelow & Hatherton Methodist Churches
For the week commencing 10th October 2021

Services this Sunday 28th in Ordinary Time

Audlem – This morning's service will be led by Robin.

Hankelow with Woore – Today's service is held at Woore at 2.30pm. It is a re-opening along with a Harvest and Thanksgiving service which will also be led by Robin.

Next Sunday 17th October 29th in Ordinary Time

Audlem Morning service at 10.30am will be led by Sue Tyson

Hankelow with Woore The service at Hankelow, at 10.30am, will be led by Peter Robertshaw

Please remember Bill, and the family of Cicely Egerton, who died last weekend. Fiona advised me that Cicely taught at Adderley school for some time and taught Naomi, Benjamin and Jemima. She and her husband Bill worshipped her at Audlem for many years.

Prayers for COP26 held outside St Mary's Nantwich at 12noon every Thursday – all welcome!

From St James church: Sunday 31st October – we are holding a variety of Services of Remembering (memorial) both in church and online: St Johns 11am, online 4pm, St James 4.30pm and St Chads 6.30pm. More details to follow.

A reminder for all Church Council members that the next Audlem Church Council meeting will be on Tuesday 19th October at 7.30pm probably in Church.

Some more amusing items from earlier Nantwich newsletters:


I saw my neighbour steal my socks off my washing line. I was going to confront him but I got cold feet.

Just found a plain clothes officer in my spare bed. It seems he's working under cover.

I want to make an insurance claim for my stolen watch. Unfortunately, I don't have the time.

Police arrested two youths for stealing car batteries and some fireworks. They've charged one and let the other off.

Have you heard of the judge with no thumbs? Mr. Justice Fingers.

I was in court the other day. The jury was described as "Twelve Good Men and True", but I think they must have dismissed True because there were definitely only twelve of them.

Please send any items for the newsletter to Janet Furber email: or telephone 01270 811598 by 5pm on Fridays.

You are invited to join in with our autumn online course, 'Living in Love and Faith'.

The course is being run in Church of England churches up and down the country at this time. It is a national project giving us all the chance to reflect more deeply on what it means to be human people, loved by God and loving each other. It helps us talk together about complex issues such as sexuality, relationships and identity.

It may be you have been waiting for some time for these issues to be discussed in your church community. It may be that you have never chatted to another person about your thoughts on these matters. We will all be coming from different places and so the group will be a place of careful listening, careful talking and support.

The course booklet entitled 'Living in Love and Faith' can be purchased from

Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm in November on Zoom for an hour. Here are the dates: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th November. Please contact Rev Alison for the log in details at

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01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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