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Green Sheet – 11th April 2021

Cheshire South Circuit – Audlem Mission Area

(Minister: Rev Robin Fox. Tel: 01270 812820 email:
Newsletter for Audlem, Hankelow & Hatherton Methodist Churches
For the week commencing 11th April 2021

Dear friends

I'm sorry that I didn't write a letter for the Green Sheet 2 weeks ago. No doubt you'll have heard by now that my partner Steve died that week, and I hope you can understand that my head was all over the place. I must thank you for the many emails, cards, phone calls and words of kindness expressed in so many ways at this time.

I'm aware that news that I had a partner may have come as a surprise to some of you. As he lived in West Bromwich, due to family and work commitments, he was unable to visit me here due to last autumn's tier system followed by this year's lockdown, and I had hardly seen him in recent months. Of course I had hoped that he would be able to spend time here, and, as he was a Local Preacher, I had also hoped that he would be able to take a service or two in and around the circuit. Sadly, that wasn't to be.

I am also aware that the fact that my partner was male may not sit very comfortably with some of you. I do understand, but this part of me is something I have neither broadcast nor hidden. That said, talking about Steve means that I cannot hide it, unless I was simply to refer to him as "my partner" and not use any pronouns (he / him / his). Not only would that be a clumsy use of the English language, but it would also make him and our relationship less human and less real. His memory means far more to me than that.

I am writing in the week after Easter, and I cannot begin to count how many times at funeral services over my 25 years of ministry I have proclaimed the message of Easter and the resurrection hope. Yes, I know that this is a time for me to take note of some of my own sermons! Yet it's precisely because we do live on this side of Easter, not only liturgically, but also historically that we can have this resurrection hope. Through the incarnation, Jesus came to live with us. Through his life, death and resurrection, we might live with him.

May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace and rise in glory.

Once again, my most heartfelt thanks for all your kindness at this sad time.
With love in Jesus

Audlem Methodist Church – there will be a service in church each Sunday at 11.30am.

  • Rev Jenny Arthurs will lead this week's service
  • The preachers for following Sundays will be announced in due course.
  • Numbers are limited to accommodate social distancing so booking a place is essential.
  • Please book your place by midday on Fridays
  • To book, contact Fran Hughes either by email to or phone 01270 812038.

Please note:

  • Masks are to be worn in the church at all times. Sanitisers will be used.
  • There will be no hymn singing.
  • After the service (duration approx 40mins) people must leave – no coffee/chat.
  • Social distancing maintained throughout.

The zoom service will still be available commencing at 10.30am.

Thank you to Kate Goodwin and Catherine Gresty for organising two successful fundraising events over the past week. Children really enjoyed the Easter trail and last night's quiz was well supported and very enjoyable. The total raised will be posted on once it has been finalised. Thanks are also due to local businesses and members of the community who donated prizes.

Please find below the details for Rev. Jennifer Matthews leaving service along with the required Zoom link. Service of Celebration for the ministry of the Rev Jennifer Matthews. After 8 years' service in the Circuit, this year we say goodbye to the Rev Jennifer. This service will be held on Zoom, at 4.30pm on Sunday afternoon 25th April. Some of the worship will be led by musicians from Crewe by Farndon, and the preacher will be the Superintendent, Rev Rob Hilton.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 9946 0035
Passcode: 870345

Reminder for all CHURCH COUNCIL MEMBERS: the Spring Church Council meeting is to be held on TUESDAY 20 APRIL at 7.30pm, by Zoom.

Church Notecards: The notecards, designed by Sarah Parton, have sold well so far with over half of them sold. If you would like to buy some contact Julia on 01270 811761 or 07950 774997 to order. Price £5 for 1 pack or £9 for 2 packs. All proceeds to church funds.

Cheshire South Circuit invites you to a webinar to introduce their vision for implementing a Faithful and Fruitful Future. This PowerPoint presentation is led by our superintendent Rev Rob Hilton and other members of the Circuit and aims to

  • Consider where people and churches feel they are as we look to coming out of lockdown.
  • Share some case studies of churches that have created new opportunities for mission
  • Introduce a process to guide us through this time of transition
  • Offer resources and help

Everyone who wants to be part of the future of Methodism in the Cheshire South Circuit is invited to attend. Please contact Daniel, the Circuit administrator, for the zoom link on or 07598 580541.

The presentation lasts for 90 minutes and the next session on zoom is Wednesday 21 April at 7pm. More dates will be arranged over the coming months and the presentation will be repeated at face to face meetings over the summer when restrictions have been lifted. We hope to see you soon. A Mission in Love Unites Us.

The next newsletter will be Sunday 25 April Please send any items for the newsletter to Janet Furber email: or telephone 01270 811598 by 5pm on Fridays.

The Methodist Church free phone service for news and prayer. The news option looks around the Connection at what's happening and the prayer line is a prayer from particular Methodists.
Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514
Listen to news: 0808 281 2478 Content is updated weekly on Thursday evening.

Get In Touch
01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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