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Green Sheet – 12th June 2022

Cheshire South Circuit – Audlem Mission Area

(Minister: Rev Robin Fox. Tel: 01270 812820 email:
Newsletter for Audlem, Hankelow & Hatherton Methodist Churches
For the week commencing 12 June 2022

Services this Sunday (Trinity Sunday)
Audlem: Morning service today is led by Roger Hunt

HYMNS: 59 516 693 712 663

Hankelow with Woore: Morning service at Hankelow is led by Jenny Arthurs

The Audlem service is live streamed each Sunday morning from 10.30am To join it go to or visit the website and click on 'watch the service live' at the top of the page

Services next Sunday (12th in Ordinary Time)
The service at Audlem will be led by Pat Maidment

The cafe style service at Woore will be led by Yvonne Alcock. See notice below.

Cafe style service at Woore Methodist Chapel on Sunday 19th June at 2:30 p.m. led by Yvonne Alcock. Worship, conversation, refeshments and something to make if you wish. Everyone warmly

Advance note for your diary – Our, (AMC), ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING is to be held after a shortened morning service on SUNDAY 10TH JULY. This is an important chance to find more about your church. More details to follow.

Circuit Service on 26 June 4pm at Broomhall and Sound. Theme – 'Feeding of the 5000' All Ages Welcome.
Come and enjoy an open air circuit service. Worship – Craft activities – Story – Bring a picnic – Drinks provided – Enjoy the musical talents of Winterley Methodist Brass Band. Service 4pm. Craft, tea and band 5pm

Chapel Garden
You may well have heard of "Messy Church" well here at AMC we have a variant, ours is – "Messy Garden"!
We have all enjoyed the tulips over the last few weeks but now they are coming to an end. Hopefully a lot of them will flower next spring but to give them the best chance we now have to wait for all the greenery to die down so that the bulbs can build up a store of energy (?) in readiness for next spring.
To keep the upkeep to a minimum we are putting in some groundcover flowering plant plugs. The eagle eyed amongst you may be able to spot the mini plants in between the tulips. Eventually all the tulip greenery will "brown off" which we can then remove and hopefully the plugs will colonise the area. So sorry for the mess but its nature taking its course!

Following the success of the live streaming, you will now be able to watch previous services at your leisure! Head over to the AMC website,, click on the link 'Previous Services' at the top of the page and it will take you to the latest streamed service. On the left hand side of the screen underneath 'AMC – Sunday Services' is an arrow which, once clicked, will let you access any of the previous services.

Please send any items for inclusion to or telephone 07889 128524 by 5pm on Fridays

Get In Touch
01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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