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Green Sheet – 1st August 2021

Cheshire South Circuit – Audlem Mission Area

(Minister: Rev Robin Fox. Tel: 01270 812820 email:
Newsletter for Audlem, Hankelow & Hatherton Methodist Churches
For the week commencing 1st August 2021

Audlem Methodist Church – Currently closed for refurbishment.

It is hoped that the first 'live' service following the refurbishment will be on 15th August and Robin will lead that service. This will be confirmed nearer to that date. The service will need to commence at 11.30am as Robin is also leading the zoom service.

Hankelow – There is NO service this Sunday
Next Sunday Robin will lead the morning service at 10.30am.
The service on Sunday 15th August will be led by Paul Jackson

- Numbers are limited to 20 so booking a place is essential
- To book, contact either Val Morrey on 01270 811930 or Roger Millns on 07807 402348
- Covid restrictions will apply

The zoom service continues today at 10.30 am. The next zoom service will be Sunday 18th August.

We send our condolences to Norma, Allan & Catherine Phoenix and remember them in our prayers as we learned that Norma's Mum passed away earlier this week.

Many of you will remember Betty Dyde, who lived for many years in Woore and passed away on 19th July.

From Fiona
A big THANK YOU to all those who have raised money for 'Action for Children' by filling their lantern collecting boxes with loose change, a difficult task over the last sixteen months! The total came to £170, more than 2019. Well done!

A message from Rev Alison Fulford
You may like to know that if you wish to attend St John's, Doddington, St Chad's, Wybunbury or St James, Audlem in person you no longer need to book in. You will still be asked to use sanitiser on arrival and invited to register your attendance. People are asked to maintain a 1m social distance between bubbles. Each church will continue to be well ventilated.
You will be invited to wear a mask throughout the service at St John's, but may remove it when seated at St Chad's and St James. There is no singing at St John's and St James but you can sing at St Chad's if you put your mask back on.
St Chad's Morning Prayer is at 9.30am
St James and St John's Holy Communion at 11am

The next newsletter will be Sunday 15 August. Please send any items for the newsletter to Janet Furber email: or telephone 01270 811598 by 5pm on Fridays.

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Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514
Listen to news: 0808 281 2478 Content is updated weekly on Thursday evenings

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01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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