Services this Sunday – Advent Sunday
Audlem: This morning's service is led by Janet Martin-Jackson
HYMNS: 161 169 205 177 172
Hankelow: This morning's service is led by Jon Chesworth
Next Sunday
Audlem: Robin will lead the service
Hankelow with Woore: Paul Jackson will lead the service.
St James Ecumenical 'Singing Group' for the Ecumenical Carol Service on 22nd December at 6.30pm at St James. Enthusiastic singers welcome! Children are welcome as well as adults, but if under 16, need to come with a parent. The next practice is today at 12 noon at the Methodist church for about half an hour. Contact Geraldine Leighton by email to if you would like to join.
Rehearsals for CHARLIE & the CHOCOLATE FACTORY continue on Fridays from 7.30 to 9pm. Performance dates are 12, 13 14, & 15 March 2025.
The Christingle service at St James will take place at 3pm today.
Christmas coffee morning at AMC next Saturday 7 December; 10.30am to midday. Come and hear live music from 'Nastee Chapel' folk duo wihlst enoying, 'Coffee, Cake and Chat' or hot chocolate, fruit punch, tea and sweet treats! The usual stalls and more will be there to help with your Christmas shopping.
The Filling Station at Hankelow: Bringing Renewal & Evangelism.
Friday 6 December at 7pm; Speaker Henrietta Blyth: CEO, Open Doors UK & I, who will talk about how Christians in some lands across the globe suffer great persecution because of their faith in Jesus.
'At Hankelow' is affiliated to The Filling Station Network of Christian Fellowships
Friday afternoon teas weekly at Hankelow are continuing between 2 and 4pm in the Community Hall. All welcome to join us for a cup of tea, piece of cake and a chat.
Come in for Winter Warming Soups! Every Thursday at Woore Methodist Church. Drop in any time between 12.15 and 1.15pm. Drop in, bring a friend, enjoy some company. You are welcome. There is no charge; any donation will help cover costs.
01270 812820
Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street