Services this Sunday (3rd of Easter)
Audlem: Morning service today is led by Peter Robertshaw
HYMNS: 293 693 432 673
Hankelow with Woore: Morning service at Hankelow is by Local arrangement
The Audlem service is live streamed each Sunday morning from 10.30am To join it go to or visit the website and click on 'watch the service live' at the top of the page
Services next Sunday (4th of Easter)
The service at Audlem will be led by Yvonne Alcock
Hankelow with Woore: The service at Hankelow will be led by Robin
Many congratulations and best wishes to Bill Field for his 90th birthday on Monday.
Coffee rota: Helpers welcome to serve tea and coffee after the Sunday morning service. Please sign up on the rota in the hall.
Thank you to all who supported the Coffee morning last weekend. An amazing total of £395 was raised.
The Easter Offering from Audlem raised £87 and from Hankelow raised £40 to be donated to the World Mission Fund. Thank you to all for their support.
AMC Book Group: The next meeting will be back in Audlem Methodist Hall at 2.30pm on Thursday 12th May. Newcomers always welcome. The book chosen is 'God is Mute – engaging the silence of an unanswered prayer' by Pete Greig. For more information speak to Chris Denney, Christina Lawson or Peter Goringe.
Come and Sing for Ukraine on Saturday May 7th at St Mary's Church Nantwich
Nantwich Choral Society invite as many people as possible to join them in singing 'The Armed Man – a mass for Peace' by Karl Jenkins. Rehearsals start at 12.40 until 17.00 with a break for lunch. You can find all the details on the website: – click on 'Events and then 'Box Office' to apply to come to sing. Or you can come to the performance in the evening which starts at 18.30.
All money raised will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee's appeal for Ukraine's humanitarian disaster fund. Audience pay on the door. Suggested donation for singers and audience £15. Contact Geraldine Leighton if you need further information on 812209
Following the success of the live streaming, you will now be able to watch previous services at your leisure! Head over to the AMC website,, click on the link 'Previous Services' at the top of the page and it will take you to the latest streamed service. On the left hand side of the screen underneath 'AMC – Sunday Services' is an arrow which, once clicked, will let you access any of the previous services.
The next newsletter will be on Sunday 15th May. Please send any items for inclusion to by 5pm on Fridays
01270 812820
Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street