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Green Sheet – 20th December 2020

Cheshire South Circuit – Audlem Mission Area

(Minister: Rev Robin Fox. Tel: 01270 812820 email:
Newsletter for Audlem, Hankelow & Hatherton Methodist Churches
For the week commencing 20th December 2020

Weekly services at AMC.

Ø Robin leads this morning's service in Chapel at 11.30am.
Ø Numbers are limited to accommodate social distancing so booking a place is essential.
Ø Please book your place by midday each Friday.
Ø To book, contact Fran Hughes either by email to or phone 01270 812038.
Ø Robin will also lead the service at 10am on Christmas morning.
Ø To join the Christmas Day service please book with Fran by Tuesday evening 22nd December
Ø There will NOT be a service in Chapel on Sunday 27 December
Ø The service on Sunday 3 January at 11.30am will be led by Malcolm Lorimer
Ø The service on Sunday 10 January at 11.30 am will be led by Robin
Please note:
Masks are to be worn in the church at all times.
There will be no congregational singing.
After the service (duration approx 40mins) people must leave – no coffee/chat.
Social distancing maintained throughout.

Dear friends
Usually, this week would be full of carol services, Nativity plays, Christmas lunches and all the usual paraphernalia that goes with it. Whilst some of that will still be happening, this last week of Advent looks very different this year, for obvious reasons.
For some, there may be a sadness that they cannot gather with all the extended family as usual (though for some that may be a relief!) and however much we try to make the best of it, it will be a Christmas like no other.
Yet take away the Christmas parties and look beyond the tinsel and the wrapping paper, and the heart of the Christmas message continues to shine like the star of Bethlehem. For unto us, a child is born. That is as true for us today as it was in Bethlehem 2020 years ago (give or take!)
There will still be angels singing peace on earth for those who listen for the message. There has been a huge amount of good will to women and men shown this year, and neighbourliness has made a welcome return after far too long. It has been a tough year, but there are still grounds for optimism, and hope.
The greatest gift, the Christ child, is still there for those who will receive Him. May we all know His peace and His presence with us as we celebrate His birth.
However we spend it, have a very happy and peaceful Christmas, and every blessing for a better New Year.
With love in Jesus
Marjorie Price wishes to send a message to all her friends at AMC to wish them a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year.

ADVANCE REMINDER for Church Council Members: the next meeting of Church Council will be held on Tuesday 19th January 2021 at 7.30pm by Zoom.

Norma Phoenix, who has recently returned to live in Isle of Man, knitted some beautiful jumpers for the orphanage in Sri Lanka, in response to the request from Annie Jefferson earlier this year.

From Sheila Jones: I have had the sad news that Miriam Winnard has died last week. Miriam and Howard were active members of the church about 15 years ago.

Lovely blank notelets with artwork by Sarah Parton are still available from Julia; phone 01270 811761 or 07950 774997 at a price of £5 for 1 pack or £9 for two packs.

All proceeds to chapel funds.

*** Please note that the next AMC newsletter will be on Sunday 10th January 2021***

Service sheets and Zoom links will still be sent out each Sunday as has become normal during this year.

If there are any items or notes you would like to be included in the next newsletter please either telephone Janet Furber on 01270 811598 or send by email to

The Methodist Church free phone service for news and prayer. The news option looks around the Connection at what's happening and the prayer line is a prayer from particular Methodists.
Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514
Listen to news: 0808 281 2478 Content is updated weekly on Thursday evening.

Get In Touch
01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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