Services this Sunday (Sunday before Advent)
Audlem: The Early Communion service at 8.30am will be led by Robin
Morning service at 10.30am is led by Rev Jim Needham
HYMNS: 116 167 59 185
Hankelow with Woore: Morning service at Hankelow is led by Maureen Morgan
At Woore: Cafe style service at 2.30pm led by Yvonne Alcock. Worship, conversation, crafts and refreshments.
The Audlem service is live streamed each Sunday morning from 10.30am To join it go to or visit the website and click on 'watch the service live' at the top of the page.
Services next Sunday (Advent Sunday)
Morning service at Audlem will be led by Robin
Hankelow with Woore: The service at Hankelow at 10.30am will be Songs of Praise
AMC BOOK GROUP: The next meeting of our Book Group will be on Thursday 24th November at 2.30pm in Audlem Methodist Small Room. The book chosen this time is a recent book by Rev Tom Wright, entitled 'Surprised by Hope'. All welcome to our friendly small group led by Rev Chris Denney.
Funeral services at AMC: Doreen Moseley on Friday 25th November at 2.15pm
Jean Bonell on Tuesday 29th November at 11.30am
Rehearsals for Matilda: Please note that the last two choir rehearsals of the year will be on 18th and 25th November at 7.30pm before we take a break over Christmas.
Tea towels for sale, (Christmas is coming!!), celebrating 160 years of Audlem Chapel. They come in packs of two, one of each design, 100% cotton, British manufactured, cost £12 – there is a limited number and once gone that is it!
Please send any items for inclusion to by 5pm on Friday
01270 812820
Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street