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Green Sheet – 22nd October 2023

Cheshire South Circuit – Audlem Mission Area

(Minister: Rev Robin Fox. Tel: 01270 812820 email:
Newsletter for Audlem, Hankelow & Hatherton Methodist Churches
For the week commencing 22 October 2023

Services this Sunday

Audlem: Morning service is led by Rev Helen Stubbs

HYMNS: 45 707 672 713 90

Hankelow with Woore: The service at Hankelow is led by Graham Dimelow.

The Audlem service is live streamed each Sunday morning from 10.30am To join it go to or visit the website and click on 'watch the service live' at the top of the page.

Services next Sunday

Audlem: Morning service will be led by Pat Maidment

Hankelow with Woore: Morning service at Hankelow will be led by Robin

AMC Book Group – Our next meeting is be on Thursday 26th October at 2.30pm in the small meeting room. This time we are looking at a book by Stephen Hodge called, 'The Dead Sea Scrolls', the essential guide to their origin, meaning and significance. If interested please contact Christina Lawson on 01270 812886 or Peter Goringe on 01630 647826. Newcomers always welcome.

Annual Musical: We are delighted that we have been given permission to perform, 'Sister Act' on March 6,7,8 & 9th 2024. Rehearsals begin on Fridays from 7.30 – 9pm at AMC.

Co-op Local Community Fund – Great News! AMC have been chosen to be part of the next round of the Co-Op Local Community Fund. The funding round will run from Sunday 22 October 2023 to 19 October 2024. To support this you need to be a Member and then choose AMC, so if you are not already a member we encourage you to sign up the next time you are in the shop, or on-line by visiting . Naomi will bring her laptop next Sunday and be available after the service if you require some assistance to register for a card and select AMC as the cause you wish to support.

Action for Children: If you have an Action for Children red lantern collecting box, it is now time to have it emptied. Please bring it to chapel by 26th November so that the total can be sent to their headquarters. If you are unable to get to chapel please contact Fiona on 01630 653805 and she will happily collect your box.

Every amount whether large or small helps!

'Action for Children' What do they do? They support young people when they need help most. They support them when they're facing huge life challenges like abuse, exploitation or neglect. If anyone would like to support Action for Children by having a box, please contact Fiona.


Coffee Morning – The next one is Saturday 4th November from 10.30 to 12.30. All the usual stalls. All welcome.

Midweek service and lunch – This coming Wednesday 25 October from midday. A short service followed by lunch.

Please send any items for inclusion in the next newsletter to by 5pm on Fridays.

Get In Touch
01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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