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Green Sheet – 25th October 2020

Cheshire South Circuit – Audlem Mission Area

(Minister: Rev Robin Fox. Tel: 01270 812820 email:
Newsletter for Audlem, Hankelow & Hatherton Methodist Churches
For the week commencing 25th October 2020

AMC new website – The new website is now up and running at Please have a look and see what you think! If anyone has anything of any interest, no matter how brief, that you would like to add to the 'news' section of the website, please email

A thought for the day from Tom Hassall who told me that he reads this one every evening, and that he saw both this one and the previous one when he visited Chichester cathedral.

Count your blessings instead of your crosses,
Count your gains instead of your losses,
Count your joys instead of your woes
Count your courage instead of your foes
County your laughs instead of your tears
Count your full years instead of your lean
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean
Count your health instead of your wealth
Count on God instead of yourself.

Tom then went on to tell me that his cousin who lives near to Oxford has moved into a care home to join his wife who has been there for some time, so that he can see her during the pandemic. Since moving in Tom's cousin has been leading a Sunday service for 10 to 12 residents using sections from our weekly service sheets, which Tom posts to him on a weekly basis.

Some of you will have seen the new stone troughs in situ at the front of Chapel, there was an item on last Wednesday showing them planted by ADAS volunteers. There has also been work on the borders of the car park, which has increased the space available for parking by pruning etc of the large plants and shrubs at the edge of the car park If anyone would like to make a donation towards the expenditure involved in all this work they will be gratefully received. Contact Nancy-May or Jane Eardley.

With regard to the church car park, you may have noticed that there is a space marked off for church use. Please note that this is available to any member of our church and you are welcome to park there for any reason.

The annual Memorial service at St James will be taking place via Zoom next Sunday 1 November at 4pam. If there are any people you would like to be remembered at that service please contact Anne Draper at or let me know and I will pass them on to her. St Chads, Wybunbury and St James, Audlem will also be open from 1.30pm – 3.30pm for anyone who wishes simply to go and light a candle in remembrance. We cannot hold a full service in any church due to the restrictions and hope these alternatives will be of help.

AMC Secondhand Book Table: Donations of books have appeared over lockdown and there are about 120 books on our table. As the table cannot be used under Covid rules when we reopen, I am willing to deliver any books which could be enjoyed at this difficult time. I have listed all the books, roughly classified, and if interested let me know and I will email you the list.(tel Christina on 812886 or email me)
Donations would be welcome for general church funds, and it would be good if we could bring the total raised by the bookstall over its 6 years of existence to over £1000. (currently the figure is £975). Otherwise the books will have to be boxed up indefinitely.

If there are any items or notes you would like to be included in the next newsletter please either telephone Janet Furber on 01270 811598 or send by email to

The Methodist Church free phone service for news and prayer. The news option looks around the Connection at what's happening and the prayer line is a prayer from particular Methodists.
Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514
Listen to news: 0808 281 2478 Content is updated weekly on Thursday evening.

Worship is also available at Broomhall and Sound Chapel – Zoom services on Sundays at 10.30am (opens 10.15am)

The 'Daily Hopeline' call 0800 804 8044
Archbishop Justin Welby answers your call with a short message followed by a choice of options:

  • Press 1 to listen to hymns we love with a series of short talks based on the well loved hymn.
  • Press 2 to listen to a different daily hymn.
  • Press 3 for the Prayers which are specific for the Coronavirus pandemic.
  • Press 4 to hear options 5 to 7:
  • Press 5 to hear a Church of England weekly Service.
  • Press 6 to join in with traditional Morning and Evening Prayers.
  • Press 7 to hear the latest Government advice on the Coronavirus pandemic.
  • Press 0 to hear the first menu.

Get In Touch
01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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