Services this Sunday (4th of Easter)
Audlem: Morning service is led by Yvonne Alcock
HYMNS: 94 481 519 323 563
Hankelow with Woore: At Woore; Morning service at 11am is led by Robin.
The Audlem service is live streamed each Sunday morning from 10.30am To join it go to or visit the website and click on 'watch the service live' at the top of the page.
Services next Sunday (5th of Easter)
At Audlem: Morning service will be led by Chris Denney
Hankelow with Woore: Morning service will be led by Robin.
Coffee Mornings. We have now decided to hold them on the first Saturday of each month from July onwards and at a slightly later time of 10.30 – 12.30.
May will be a busy month with the Coronation and the Music Festival so there won't be the normal coffee morning in May or June but we will be celebrating the Coronation with worship, coffee and cake on May 7th.
We are one of the venues for the Music Festival on the last weekend of May, so when we are hosting a musicals item we will be serving our usual delicious home made refreshments. Any volunteers to help that weekend or provide tray bakes please see Julia or Nancy May.
Journey Through Song with Nastee Chapel at AMC on 26th May at 7pm. The name Nastee Chapel comes from our first names – Natalie Grace + Steve = Nastee Grace. Grace changed to Chapel so it so that it doesn't sound like we are calling NatalieGrace Nasty..
Nastiness and a Chapel may not seem to go together but they represent the darkness & light we all experience. By sharing in the dark and light times together through music we can find comfort, connection and celebration. Tickets £10
We were fortunate to meet Natalie and Steve at a recent coffee morning – those that were there witnessed a very professional performance and we are honoured to host their first concert.
The July 1st one will be a special, as along with the usual items on sale inside, we will have a Car Boot Sale outside and we are giving our own members and friends of the Chapel an opportunity to book their place first. Three slots have already been taken so if you are interested contact Fiona or Sheila or one of the stewards to book your pitch.
Ukes Aloud – singalong: Playing a range of Country and Christian songs from Father Brian's narrowboat at Audlem, by The Shroppie Fly on Wednesday 3 May at 2pm. Bring a folding chair!
(Ukes Aloud is a ukulele group formed by members from Lightwood Green and Wrenbury)
01270 812820
Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street