Dear friends
First of all, a very Happy New Year to you all. It's a very low bar, but let's hope that it's better than 2020.
This is not the news with which I wish to begin the year, but after we were moved into Tier 4 on New Year's Eve, and following communications from circuit and district, I say with a heavy heart that services at AMC are again suspended whilst we remain in tier 4.
It is my prayer that this will not be for long. With 2 vaccines now being rolled out, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting that much brighter, but, to use another metaphor to do with light, it is often the case that the darkest part of the night is just before dawn.
This is the week of Epiphany, when the Magi followed a star which led them to the Christ child. Whether in the church building or being the church outside the building, may the light of Christ continue to lead and guide us.
As I say, please God it will not be long before services can resume, but more than anything else I wish to see everyone safe.
With every blessing for 2021
REMINDER for Church Council Members: the next meeting of Church Council will be held on Tuesday 19th January 2021 at 7.30pm by Zoom.
The Chapel notecards with artwork by Sarah Parton are still available direct from Julia; phone 01270 811761 or 07950 774997 at a price of £5 for 1 pack or £9 for two packs. All proceeds to church funds.
If there are any items or notes you would like to be included in the next newsletter please either telephone Janet Furber on 01270 811598 or send by email to
The Methodist Church free phone service for news and prayer. The news option looks around the Connection at what's happening and the prayer line is a prayer from particular Methodists.
Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514
Listen to news: 0808 281 2478 Content is updated weekly on Thursday evening.
The 'Daily Hopeline' call 0800 804 8044
Archbishop Justin Welby answers your call with a short message followed by a choice of options:
Press 1 to listen to hymns we love with a series of short talks based on the well loved hymn.
Press 2 to listen to a different daily hymn.
Press 3 for the Prayers which are specific for the Coronavirus pandemic.
Press 4 to hear options 5 to 7:
Press 5 to hear a Church of England weekly Service.
Press 6 to join in with traditional Morning and Evening Prayers.
Press 7 to hear the latest Government advice on the Coronavirus pandemic.
Press 0 to hear the first menu.
01270 812820
Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street