Services this Sunday
Audlem: Morning service will be led by Rev Helen Stubbs
HYMNS: 110 501 273 462 564
Hankelow with Woore: Morning service will be led by Rev Jenny Arthurs
The Audlem service is live streamed each Sunday morning from 10.30am To join it go to or visit the website and click on 'watch the service live' at the top of the page.
Next Sunday
Audlem: Our Production service will be led by Chris Denney
Hankelow with Woore: Morning service will be led by Peter Robertshaw
The next meeting of the AMC Book Group will be on Friday 15th March at 2.30pm and is led by Chris Denney. Our chosen book is,'Women of Holy Week: an Easter journey in nine stories' by Paula Goodier which coincidentally is the book being used in the Ecumenical Lent Course. Newcomers always welcome!
This year's Ecumenical Lent Course continues on the following Monday evenings from 7pm: 4th March at St James Church 11th March and 18th March at the Methodist Church.
Pancake and Coffee morning. Many thanks to all who supported and contributed to our special coffee morning last Saturday. It was a huge success. Particular thanks to Sheila and John Jones who were run off their feet making over 100 pancakes .........they deserve a medal! £500 was raised in two hours. The next coffee morning will be on Saturday 6th April from 10.30 to 12.30.
Audlem Lent Soup Lunches – These will be held here at AMC in the Hall on 17th and 24th March and all are warmly invited to join both events. If you are able to provide a pan of soup please sign up on the list in the hall
We were advised at this week's Circuit meeting that Rev John Farrimond had passed away. John was superintendent minister of Nantwich some years ago and some of you will remember him and his late wife Kath.
Hankelow Chapel have re-started our Warm Hub afternoons in partnership with Hankelow and Hatherton & Walgherton Parish councils and ADCA. So come along to Hankelow Chapel community hall for our Warm Hub afternoons every Friday from 2-4pm. Drop in for hot drink and cake and enjoy some company in the warm. No charge and any donations welcome.
Come in for Winter Warming Soups: When? Every Thursday from 2nd November: drop in any time between 12.15 & 1.30pm. Bring a friend, enjoy some company, you are welcome!
Where? Woore Methodist chapel. There is no charge but any donations will help to cover costs..
01270 812820
Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street