Services this Sunday
Audlem: This morning's service is led by Mike Valentine
HYMNS: 110 427 repeat once only & 553 repeat once only 104 660 666 663.
Hankelow with Woore: Morning service is led by Edna Perry
The Audlem service is live streamed each Sunday morning from 10.30am To join it go to or visit the website and click on 'watch the service live' at the top of the page.
Services next Sunday
At Audlem Morning service will be led by Robin
Hankelow with Woore Morning service at Hankelow will be led by Maureen Morgan
Many congratulations to John & Sheila Jones who celebrated their Diamond Wedding anniversary on 1 August.
Our next Coffee morning is next Saturday 5th August from 10.30-12.30 (please note the change of time). The usual stalls will be there; cakes, cards, raffle, books etc. so any donations and help will be greatly appreciated.
Broomhall and Sound chapel and Puppets Connect invite you to join them on Tuesday 22nd August 11.30am to 1pm for Our Wonderful World Puppet presentation. Bring your own picnic. All ages welcome – contact Kathryn or message 07816 978476
AMC Book Group: The next meeting of our little group will be on Thursday 7th September at 2.30pm in our small meeting room at AMC. For a change the book chosen is a novel 'Little Faith' by an American author Nickolas Butler. Set in rural Wisconsin it has themes of family love and grief together with faith and religion. Newcomers are always welcome, and this could be a good introduction.
01270 812820
Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street