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Green Sheet – 9th June 2024

Cheshire South Circuit – Audlem Mission Area

(Minister: Rev Robin Fox. Tel: 01270 812820 email:
Newsletter for Audlem, Hankelow & Hatherton Methodist Churches
For the week commencing 9 June 2024

Services this Sunday
Audlem: Morning service is led by Janet Martin-Jackson
HYMNS: 531. 660. 167. 662. 418

Hankelow with Woore: At Hankelow The service this morning is Songs of Praise

The Audlem service is live streamed each Sunday morning from 10.30am To join it go to or visit the website and click on 'watch the service live' at the top of the page.

Next Sunday
Audlem: Robin leads the Early Communion service at 8.30am and also Morning service at 10.30am
Three T's meet as usual at Moorsfield Drive.
Hankelow with Woore: Hankelow Fete takes place today so there is NO MORNING
SERVICE at Hankelow
At Woore Andrew Fox will lead the service at Woore at 3.30pm

At Hankelow on Sunday 23 June. The communion service at 10.30am will be led by Robin.

MHA Sunday – TODAY: It has been over 80 years since the Methodist Conference grasped Rev
Walter Hall's vision and supported the founding of the MHA. In those 80 years we have worked
together with our friends in the Methodist Church to meet the changing needs of people in later
life. This year, for MHA Sunday, we are delighted to announce that our long standing patron and
friend, TV and radio presenter Pam Rhodes, is fronting our campaign. Our focus this year follows
Mark 4:30, The Parable of the mustard seed, and uses the growth of God's Kingdom to highlight
the impact a small gesture can have, especially on those in later life. Abby Ogier, Head of

We here in Audlem have always supported MHA, especially with our collection on
Christmas morning and felt that all of you, and particularly those unable to attend Christmas
morning would agree that we should mark this day with an extra donation. If you wish to
donate, please place your donation in a separate envelope marked MHA. For those who
wish/are able to there will be gift aid envelopes in the porch.

Afternoon tea at Hankelow every Friday from 2 – 4pm. All welcome to join us for a cup of tea, piece
of cake and a chat.

AMC Book Group – The next meeting of this group will be on Thursday 4 July at 2.30pm in the small
hall, and beginning with refreshments. (A date easy to remember for several reasons – fixed before
the surprise election date!). We are back to Methodism this time, with a book by Rev Leslie
Newton, 'Revive Us Again'. Newcomers always welcome.

Audlem Methodist Annual Church Meeting will take place after morning worship and coffee on Sunday 14 July, led by our Minister, Robin. This usually lasts for 30-40 minutes and covers
Church Life, Finances and Property Matters plus the election of Stewards and members of Church
Council. This is an opportunity for all involved in any aspect of our Church life to ask questions and air
ideas. All are welcome.

Men's Woodcraft at Lightwood Green on Thursdays from 1-3pm. Join us in the design and making
of wooden crafts. We make anything from planters to toys. All welcome for a brew and chat whilst we
make. Email Andy for further information
Winterley Methodist Church & Community Hall
Crewe Road, Winterley CW11 4RP

Winterley Methodist Brass Band in CONCERT all proceeds to Cheshire Agricultural Chaplaincy & the Inclusion Project at Winterley
Saturday 6 July – 7.30pm
Tickets: Adult- £10 Child- £5 (including tea/coffee & cake)
Available from 01270 254920 or Band Members

Get In Touch
01270 812820

Audlem Methodist Church
Shropshire Street

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