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Chapel Anniversary Weekend

chapel anniversarylive streamingcoffee and teacleaning team

Yesterday marked the 159th Chapel Anniversary and the beginning of our year of 160th celebrations! This week we've had two very successful events – the Pancake morning on Tuesday and a coffee morning on Saturday raising funds for our building work which is nearing its final stages!

Yesterday morning, following a super service led by Rev. Robin, those of us at chapel (unfortunately not those watching from the comfort of their own home!) were finally able to get back to socialising after the service with tea, coffee and biscuits plus some left over cakes from Saturday. The new youth room was host to the first JAM session for children and they loved their new space and are already creating plenty of art to decorate their walls.

And finally the cleaning team were in full force today in the chapel itself giving it a thorough Spring clean – can you spot all of our amazing cleaning volunteers?!

Look out for more events coming in the future....

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