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Finishing September with a bang!

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What a busy week we've had here at AMC! Following our Harvest on Sunday, we started the week on Monday with the first session of 'Audlem Acorns' where we welcomed nine families to our new weekly toddler group. Great fun was had by all the children, and drinks and homemade cake was devoured by the adults!! Later in the week we hosted the village ecumenical meeting to discuss future events; our monthly mid-week service and lunch was held on Wednesday; and then on Thursday we had our book group meeting.Friday night saw the return of our rehearsals for production – do not worry if you are in the choir – choir rehearsals start on 14th October. Our first rehearsal saw the meeting of our young cast for the first time in over two years. The excitement and enthusiasm bubbled over and everyone had a wonderful time getting to grips with their acting and singing skills once more! We finished the week with a very busy communion service on Sunday morning – it was fantastic to see the church alive once more!

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